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Dales Rock & Dirt Transport

Dale’s Rock & Dirt Transport is a professional trucking company providing reliable, affordable Trucking Services for any job, large or small. Contact Dale Brown at 510-506-5302 for additional information.

Rock and Dirt Hauling and Transport for Construction, Builders, Homeowners

Peterbilt 567 Super Dumptruck

Satisfaction Guarantee

25 Years Residential & Commercial Experience

Excellent safety record: Zero accidents or claims.


Call for a free estimate or more information!

No job too large…or too small.

A One-Stop Shop

General Engineering Contractor, DVBE & Small Business Certified
PG&E Trenching and Backfill Certified.
Bonded and Insured.

Serving the following San Francisco/Bay Area Counties:

Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Outside these areas? Please call us.

Dales Rock & Dirt Transport

Dale's 2249 Dunn Road
Hayward, Ca 94545



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Call us for a free quote! 1-510-506-5302

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